Soil Survey
Soil survey is done for a multitude of purposes, including land capability. We conduct general and customised soil surveys and investigations to establish land suitability for new crop or horticultural enterprises, effluent irrigation and mining site planning and rehabilitation.
Many horticultural plants have highly specific soil requirements, which dictate whether a new and untried horticultural enterprise will be successful or not. Soil survey can determine if suitable areas for your new enterprise exist on your land, and/or can assist in determining which areas need to be significantly renovated to become suitable for your new enterprise.
Although many horticultural enterprises require tens of thousands of dollars per hectare to establish, an investment in soil survey prior to development can save millions in wasted capital, and achieve faster and healthier production goals.
SoilFutures Consulting has worked in bringing citrus and expanding the pecan industry in the northwest of NSW as well as doing specific soil surveys for specialised timber crops in other parts of Australia.